turkish tongue twister ne demek?

Turkish tongue twisters are phrases that are difficult to say quickly and accurately due to the repetition of similar or identical sounds. Here are a few examples:

  1. Bir berber bir berbere gel beraber bir berber dükkanı açalım. (A barber comes to another barber and together they open a barber shop.)
  2. Kırmızı kırlangıçlar kırmızı karanfilin kokusunu kırk kat yerden duyabilirler. (Red swallows can smell the scent of red carnations from 40 layers of soil.)
  3. Yaşlı yardımcı yarım yamalak yuvarlanır, yaramaz yavrular yadigar aldılar. (The elderly assistant rolls down half way, naughty cubs took the inheritance.)

Tongue twisters are often used as a fun way to improve one's pronunciation and fluency in a language.